He is growing up and trying new foods. He is eating a corn bread muffine here. He had some piled up on his shirt and I guess he was saving that for later. lol

Eating corn bread muffins.

So Yummy cause my Mommy made them for me!

Eli playing with a can lid..so cute!

Eli wanted Mommy to read his that book so he was bringing it to her. He is so smart as he gets older and trys new things and foods. He says many words very well and the ones that he cant he trys to say. He says more words everyday and is going to be ONE YEAR OLD March 25! Eli is looking forward to his birthday party this Sat March 21 at 4pm at his church. He is such a great baby and we are all so proud of him. He is a blessing from God. But isnt every gift that comes from above? We thank God everyday for our family and for our little boy. God blesses our family with lots of love and happiness. Thank you God for always being there for us! We love you!!