Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eli 10 months old today....

Eli is really excited because he know he will soon have a baby brother or sister. We will find out on Tuesday Jan 27. Mommy is due in June!

Eli having fun with hats. He loves to take off everyones hats. Most of the time will will throw them in the floor but sometimes he will hold them. He will not keep a hat on his own head like he used to a month or so ago. He pulls his hats right off unless you trick him. Eli is really growing up. He is 10 months old today! He can say lots of simple words like Mama, Dada, Boo, Ba ba, Baby, Spot, Boe, Pa, and maybe a few more. He mocks a lot of the thing we say if they are simple enough. We really love our Baby boy and thank God for him everyday!

Eli having more fun!

more fun! Eli is 10 months old today!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Funny Faces!

Eli and one of his funny faces...He makes a funny sound and laughs when he does this is my favorite!

Very Funny Face.....He is laughing really loud here.

Silly Silly Face. He is chasing me around the house here and goes crazy when he "gets me".

Eli loves when Stacey throws him up and rolls him around.

Stacey throwing Eli up in the air.

Yeah I am Cool!

Well I have got to like Babies too... ( Eli loves to play with baby dolls...especially the ones that talk or cry..

Eli and his Cousin Miriam on his horses.....